Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Faza stories
                                                          Sleeping Beauty
Moral stories
One important moral lesson to learn from "Sleeping Beauty" is that true love can conquer anything in its path. Aurora and Prince Phillip are meant to be together from the moment they lay eyes on each other. They never question their commitment or doubt their passion for the other.
                                                       Sleeping Beauty 
Once upon a time there lived a good king and his queen. They had no children for many years and were very sad.
Then one day, the queen gave birth to a lovely baby girl and the whole kingdom was happy. There was a grand celebration and all the fairies in the kingdom were invited. But the king forgot to invite an old fairy. She came to the celebrations but was very angry. Soon it was time to gift the baby with special wishes. The good fairies wished her well and said, “May she grow to be the most beautiful girl in the world! She will sing sweetly and dance so well! She will live happily!” All the fairies blessed the baby and gave her beautiful gifts.
When it was the old fairy’s turn, she said, “When the baby is sixteen she will touch a spindle, and die!” The king and queen were shocked and begged the fairy to forgive them and take her words back but the fairy refused to do so. When the other fairies saw the king and queen crying, they said, “We cannot undo what the old fairy has spoken. But we certainly can make it different. Your child shall not die when she touches the spindle. But she will fall into a deep sleep for a hundred years. Then, a prince will come along and wake her up.” Hearing this, the king and the queen were relieved. The king forbade everyone from spinning so that the princess would never touch a spindle.
The princess grew up to be a kind girl and helped people in need. Everybody loved her. Years passed. When the princess was sixteen years old, she was walking in the woods when she saw an old lady spinning. “What is this? May I try?” she asked The old lady said, “Of course, my pretty little child!” And the princess sat down to spin. But the moment she touched the spindle, she fell to the floor in a deep slumber. The old lady took her back to the palace and the king and queen laid her on her bed and tucked her in. They were very sad and called the good fairies. The fairies felt sorry for them and cast a spell over the whole kingdom so that when the princess woke up after a hundred years, she would not be alone in the palace. Everyone, including the guards and the servants and the animals were now fast asleep. For a hundred years, they all slept soundly.
A hundred years passed. There came a prince from a far off land. He, along with his servants, went deep into the forest and crossed many rivers. Once the prince lost his way and was separated from the rest of the travellers. He came to the sleeping kingdom and was amazed. The guards, the servants, the cats and the cows were all fast asleep and snoring.
The prince reached the palace and entered it. No one moved. The prince then found the sleeping princess. She was such a beautiful girl that the prince kissed her. By that time, a hundred years had passed by and everyone was waking up, one by one. The princess yawned and opened her eyes. She saw the prince and smiled. She asked him “Are you my prince?” He was happy to hear her speak. The prince and the princess fell in love with each other. The prince wanted to marry the princess so they went to ask for permission from their parents.
The king and the queen arranged for a royal wedding. All the clothes the bride wore were a hundred years old, but she looked beautiful. Soon, they were married and then they rode away to the prince’s kingdom far, far away.


 Salsabila N.D Stories
                                                          Goldilock and 3 Bears
Moral Stories
 The moral lesson that we can get out of this story is that, its really not right to get inside a stranger’s house. Goldilocks should have waited the owner of the house and not just entered in it, have eaten and ruin everything.

                                                     Goldilock and 3 Bears
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks.  She  went for a walk in the forest.  Pretty soon, she came upon a house.  She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.

At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge.  Goldilocks was hungry.  She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.
As she was sleeping, the three bears came home.
They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed,"
Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears.  She screamed, "Help!"  And she jumped up and ran out of the room.  Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest.  And she never returned to the home of the three bears.

"This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.
So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.
"This porridge is too cold," she said
So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.
"Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.
After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired.  So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs.  Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet.  
"This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.
So she sat in the second chair.
"This chair is too big, too!"  she whined.
So she tried the last and smallest chair.
"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed.  But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!
Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom.  She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard.  Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft.  Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right.  Goldilocks fell asleep.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear.
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.


Nadillah Stories  

                                            Mouse deer and Crocodile

Moral Stories
We have to be smarter  

                                              Mouse deer and Crocodile

Deep deep in a quiet Tropical jungle, a crocodile was having a blast swimming in the river. He hummed and frolicked by himself while his other friends were napping. After feeling exhausted, he decided to take a rest underneath a durian tree.
In meanwhile, at the nearby area, a mouse deer was scavenging for fruits. But he was having a difficulty as fruits were scarce when he suddenly noticed that there were a lot of fruits on the other side of the river. "Hmmm .. how can I go to the other side of the river? There are a lot of hungry crocodiles in this river. But the fruits are really looking delicious", the mouse deer was saying to himself.
"I need to think of a clever plan". So the mouse deer decided to sit underneath a rambutan tree while munching some fruits. It took him in no more than a few rambutan fruits to concoct a plan since it's a clever animal. "What a clever plan that I've come up, if I say so myself" said the mouse deer with a smile.
"Psttt ... pssttt  .... wake up Mr. Crocodile" said the mouse deer to the sleeping crocodile. It took a while for the crocodile to open his eyes. First, he opened his right eye, and when he saw a nice plump looking mouse deer near him, he opened both eyes. He was thinking "hmm ... what a pretty plump nice dinner this deer going to be".
"What do you want, O Little Mousy Deer?" said the crocodile. "I have an important message from our leader the Tiger", said the mouse deer. "He wants to have a party to celebrate his birthday, and he likes to invite every animals in this jungle to attend. But he needs to know how many animals are there in this jungle so that he can prepare enough food for everyone".
"Wow, this is a good news indeed, O Little Mousy Deer. What do you want me to do?" asked the crocodile excitedly. "I would like for all the crocodiles in this river to line up across this river, and then I will count the number one by one", said the deer with a very serious tone.
The crocodile shouted to every sleeping crocodiles and asked them to line up across the river. "Please make sure they don't snap at me when I started to jump and count the number", the mouse deer reminded the crocodile. Then he started to jump.
"One two, little feet" 
"Three four, a little bit more"
"Five six, big belly indeed"
The mouse deer repeated the lines until he jumped safely to the other side of the river bank. "How many of us are there?" shouted the crocodile from across the river. "Ohhhh.... just nine stupid crocodiles. I just wanted to cross this river, and there is no party" replied the mouse deer while laughingly running away from the river bank. 
The crocodiles were angry for being made a fool by a little mouse deer. Meanwhile, the mouse deer was enjoying the abundance of fruits. However, he needed to think of a way to return back to his home across the river.


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