Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

Quetion Sleeping Beauty

1. Why not invite the fairy queen to 13
A. because he is good
B. because she was evil
C. because forgetting is not invited
D. because it was too old
E. because it already has events
2. What happens when the prince kissing daughter
A. daughter woke up.
B. daughter dies
C. wicked fairy fainted
D.wicked fairy dies
E.prince fell asleep

3. Why want to kill the evil fairy princess
A. because he was very angry
B. because he wants revenge
C. because they wanted to marry with the king
D. because he wanted the treasure queen
E. because it wanted to control the area

4. What tools piercing princess
A. Point wheel shaft
B. Needle
C. Knife
D. Cutter
E. Period

5. Where the prince kissing the princess
A. In the kitchen
B. In the living room
C. In the bedroom
D. In the rooms of the king
E. In the room the princess

 Mouse deer and crocodile
1. What type of the text is used by the witer?
a. narrative
b. report
c. anecdote
d. comparative
e. news item

2. What did Mousedeer want to do?
a. cross the crocodile
b. cross the wall
c. cross the river
d. cross the stone
e. cross the wood

3. Why deer wanted to cross the river
A) Because he wanted to eat the fruit on the other river bank
B) Because he wanted to Regina
C) Because he wanted to see the buffalo
D) Because he wanted to eat
E) Because he wanted to escape

4.How did he think the crocodiles could help him?
A.Because crocodiles easy target
B.Because crocodiles floating like wood
C.Because crocodiles will go to the Kingdom
D.Crocodiles because they will roll call
E.Because the crocodile wants to eat

5. Why the crocodile wanted to help deer?
A. As well crocodile
B. Because crocodiles wise
C. Because the crocodile wants to kingdom
D. Because crocodiles want give a gift
E. Because crocodiles want food

Quetion Goldilock and three bears

1. What was Goldilocks doing when she found the house of the three bears?
a) She was running away from home.
b) She was looking for food.
c) She was going for a walk.
d) He's looking for a mattress
e) He's looking for mother

2. Goldilocks ate which bowl of porridge?
a) The big bowl.
b) The middle size bowl.
c) The little bowl.
d) All bowl.
e) Big bowl and middle size bowl.

3. What happened to the smallest chair in the lounge room?
a) Goldilocks took it home with her.
b) Goldilocks broke it.
c) Goldilocks went to sleep on it.
d) Goldilock eat
e) Goldilock tired

4. What was baby bear’s feeling when he saw what had happened to his porridge?
a) He was unhappy.
b) He was really pleased.
c) He wanted to meet Goldilocks.
d) He tired
e) He Crying

5. What happened when Goldilocks saw the three bears?
a) She screamed and fainted.
b) She hit out at the bears and then ran away.
c) She called “Help!” and ran off.
d) She happy
e) She Crying
Mountain Forest

I've been to the mountain forests are mountainous Puntang. There a lot of green plants, there also I see some caves and see bats. And I see there are a lot of monkeys hanging from the trees. And there are many tall trees and large. And I see stone love and a lot of water fall.
Puntang area very cool, fresh air and make me feel at home there. Finally, my father was building a house for a family there. The distance is not too far from Mount Puntang.

Image result for forest puntang
House in Puntang

In house puntang.the house is gray walls, the doors are brown, and the is black There is a small courtyard in front of it.There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one kichen. The air is very cold and teh water also. My house in Puntang is near the mosque, so if i pray it is not too far away.
And I have new family there. Sometimes my father took his friends to the house in Puntang.
Every lunchtime, my mother always invites people in Puntang to eat together.